Amos Claycomb’s December 1904 Diary

atc 120204Thursday, December 1, 1904
It has been cloudy nearly all day.
I went up town after supper and went down to the Club for a while.

Friday, December 2, 1904
It snowed last night for the first time this winter here and has been a little cold all day.
I walked to and from school and played billiards for a little while after school.
I went up town on the car after supper and went up to the Opera House and roller-skated for a while.

Saturday, December 3, 1904
It has been cloudy nearly all day and it snowed a little this morning.
I didn’t do much of anything this morning but this afternoon I helped put cornstalks in the barn.
1904 intro sidebarI went up town on the car to the Club after supper.

Sunday, December 4, 1904
It has been cloudy and cold most of the day.
I have staid home all day studying.

Monday, December 5, 1904
It has been partly cloudy and thawing a little today.
I went to a show called “The Pixies” after supper which was given by school children for the benefit of the schools.

Tuesday, December 6, 1904
It has been a very nice day.
I walked to and from school and went up town on the car after supper.

Wednesday, December 7, 1904
It has been a very nice day.
I walked home from school but rode up.
I played one game of billiards after school.

atc 120904Thursday, December 8, 1904
It has been cloudy nearly all day and is snowing a little tonight.
I played billiards for a little while after school.

Friday, December 9, 1904
It did not snow to amount to anything last night and has been mostly cloudy today.
I went up to a church supper tonight and then to a show called “Over Niagra Falls” which was very good.  I have played four games of billiards today, losing one.

Saturday, December 10, 1904
It snowed a little last night and a little this morning but it soon clear[ed] off and has been nice all day.
I helped around home this forenoon but after dinner I went up town and played billiards for a while.  After supper I went out to the Electric Park and roller skated for a while.

Sunday, December 11, 1904
It snowed last night and has been snowing all day but the snow is very fine.
I have staid home all day.
Jay Hurd is here visiting Nell over today.

Monday, December 12, 1904
It has been cloudy nearly all day and it snowed a little this afternoon.  The temperature was 24º above this morning.
I caught a ride up town but walked home after school.  Eleanor went into Chicago this morning and is going to stay over night.

Tuesday, December 13, 1904
It was only 4º above this morning but was clear all day and warmed up a little.
I played four games of billiards today and lost every one.

Wednesday, December 14, 1904
It has [was] 6º above zero this morning and has been clear and cold all day.
There is not very good sleighing as the snow is too dry.
I went out of school this afternoon to have my picture taken.

Thursday, December 15, 1904
It was six degrees below this morning and has been foggy nearly all day.
I went up town on the car after supper.

Friday, December 16, 1904
It was 10º above and has been partly cloudy.
I went up town on the car after supper.

Saturday, December 17, 1904
It was 26º above this morning and it snowed a little last night.
I helped drive some cattle from the Wood Farm to the Stockyards this morning and had my picture retaken this afternoon because the others were poor.  I went up to the Club after supper on the car.

atc 121804Sunday, December 18, 1904
It was 20º above this morning and has been partly cloudy today.  It snowed a little towards night.
I staid home all day but went up town visiting after supper.
Grandma suffered a rather bad stroke of paralysis this morning and has not changed tonight.

Monday, December 19, 1904
It was 20º above this morning but a strong westerly wind is blowing.
I started to play basketball tonight.  I went to a lecture on the “Cliff Dwellers” after supper and when the fire whistle blew before the lecture, I started down to it and lost my fountain pen but there was no fire.
Grandma is about the same today.

Tuesday, December 20, 1904
It has been clear most of the day but a very strong north-west wind has been blowing.
atc 122004I walked to and from school.
Grandma is quite a little worse today and Aunt Jennie is coming from Galesburg tonight.

Grandma Townsend died about eight o’clock tonight a little before Aunt Jennie arrived.

1904 ept sidebar

Wednesday, December 21, 1904
It has been a very nice day.
I have staid home all day and have spent the time in chopping wood and translating Latin.
The pen that I lost Friday night George found today, not up town,but in the barn.

Thursday, December 22, 1904
It has been clear, warm and thawing all day but is clouding up tonight.
I have staid home all day and have been chopping wood or translating Virgil most of the time.  I am now in the middle of the third book of Virgil.

Friday, December 23, 1904
It was 50º above zero this morning and has been warm all day.  All the snow, except a little from the drifts, is melted.
I have staid home all day.

Saturday, December 24, 1904
It was 28º above this morning and has been cloudy all day.  It snowed very hard part of the afternoon.
This morning I helped drive our horses back to our pasture that has broken into another field.
atc 122404Grandma Townsend’s funeral was held this afternoon, first at the house for the family , and then at the church.
Aunt Georgie came from Boise, Idaho this morning.

Sunday, December 25, 1904
It has been about 30º all day.  It was misty this morning and this turned to fine snow which as not amounted to anything.
I have translated Latin all day and am now about five weeks ahead of my class and can wait for them.  I finished the third book of Virgil tonight.

Monday, December 26, 1904
It misted all the morning and rained all the afternoon.
I have staid home all day but went up town on the car after supper.

Tuesday, December 27, 1904
It rained all of this forenoon but at noon a heavy northwest wind came up and the rain changed to snow and a very bad blizzard has been blowing ever since.
I went up town this morning, afternoon and after supper.  I played basketball this afternoon for a while and got a black eye.

Wednesday, December 28, 1904
It was about zero this morning and has been cold all day with a strong northwest wind.
I went up town this morning, afternoon and evening.

Thursday, December 29, 1904
It was just zero this morning but it warmed up and was a nice day.
I went up town this afternoon and up to the Club after supper.

Friday, December 30, 1904
It has been a nice day and has been thawing a little.
I staid home this forenoon but went up town after dinner and after supper when I went up to the roller skating rink for a little while.

Saturday, December 31, 1904
It has been clear and thawing all day and the roads are very muddy.
I helped drive some cattle up to the stockyards this morning and some others back after dinner.
I roller skated a part of the afternoon and went up to the Club after supper and played pool.
Edward starts Monday for Monmouth where he will have his ears treated for deafness and go to school.
I start in the milk business again tomorrow morning and will keep it with George until Edward comes back.  We are now milking five cows and have eighteen customers.

atc 1904 Dec ledger


I don’t have the 1905 to 1908 diaries.  The next one will be 1909 when Amos is a senior at the University of Illinois.
